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Math and String Functions |
Mathematical Functions
In der folgenden Tabelle werden popul�re mathematische Funktionen zusammengefa�t. Auch merken, da� bestimmte Funktionen nicht Mathe erfordern. Pr�fix.
Function |
Use |
Math.Abs() |
Returns the absolute value.
Math.Abs(-10) returns 10. |
Math.Ceiling() |
Returns an integer that is greater than or equal to a number.
Math.Ceiling(5.333) returns
6. |
Fix() |
Returns the integer portion of a number.
Fix(5.3333) returns 5. |
Math.Floor() |
Returns an integer that is less than or equal to a number.
Fix(5.3333) returns 5. |
Int() |
Returns the integer portion of a number.
Int(5.3333) returns 5. |
Math.Max() |
Returns the larger of two numbers.
Math.Max(5,7) returns 7. |
Math.Min() |
Returns the smaller of two numbers.
Math.Min(5,7) returns 5. |
Math.Pow() |
Returns a number raised to a power.
Math.Pow(12,2) returns 144. |
Rnd() |
Returns a random number between 0 and 1. Used in conjunction with
Randomizestatement to initialize the random
number generator. |
Math.Round() |
Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places. Rounds up
on .5.
Math.Round(1.1234567,5) returns
1.12346. |
Math.Sign() |
Returns the sign of a number. Returns -1
if negative and 1 if positive.
Math.Sign(-5) returns -1. |
Math.Sqrt() |
Returns the square root of a positive number.
Math.Sqrt(144) returns 12. |
Several built-in string functions perform string manipulations to augment simple concatenation
with the "&" operator and these functions are summarized in the following table.
Function |
Use |
Asc() |
Returns the character code of the first character of a string.
Asc("A") returns 65. |
Chr() |
Returns the display character of a character code.
Chr(65) returns "A". |
GetChar() |
Returns the character at a specified position in a string, counting
from 1.
GetChar("This is a string", 7) returns
"s". |
InStr() |
Returns the starting position in a string of a substring, counting
from 1.
InStr("This is a string", "string") returns
11. |
InStrRev() |
Returns the starting position in a string of a substring, searching
from the end of the string.
InStr("This is a string", "string") returns
11. |
LCase() |
Returns the lower-case conversion of a string.
LCase("THIS IS A STRING") returns
"this is a string". |
Left() |
Returns the left-most specified number of characters of a string.
Left("This is a string", 4) returns
"This". |
Len() |
Returns the length of a string.
Len("This is a string") returns
16. |
LTrim() |
Removes any leading spaces from a string.
LTrim(" This is a string") returns
"This is a string". |
Mid() |
Returns a substring from a string, specified as the starting
position (counting from 1) and the number of characters.
Mid("This is a string", 6, 4) returns
"is a". |
Replace() |
Replaces all occurences of a substring in a string.
Replace("This is a string", " s", " longer s")
returns "This are a longer string" (replaces
an "s" preceded by a blank space). |
Right() |
Returns the right-most specified number of characters of a string.
Right("This is a string", 6) returns
"string". |
RTrim() |
Removes any trailing spaces from a string.
RTrim("This is a string ") returns
"This is a string". |
Str() |
Returns the string equivalent of a number.
Str(100) returns "100". |
Space() |
Fills a string with a given number of spaces.
"This" & Space(5) & "string" returns
"This string". |
StrComp() |
Compares two strings. Return values are 0 (strings are equal), 1
(first string has the greater value), or -1 (second string has the
greater value) based on sorting sequence.
StrComp("This is a string", "This string")
returns -1. |
StrReverse() |
Reverses the characters in a string.
StrReverse("This is a string") returns
"gnirts a si sihT". |
Trim() |
Removes any leading and trailing spaces from a string.
Trim(" This is a string ") returns
"This is a string". |
UCase() |
Returns the upper-case conversion of a string.
UCase("This is a string") returns
Val() |
Converts a numeric expression to a number.
Val( (1 + 2 + 3)^2 ) returns
36. |
Math and String Functions in VB.NET,
visual basic functions,
vb net functions,
sql server functions,
visual basic string,
vb net string,
asp net string,
asp functions,
javascript functions,
perl functions,
vb6 functions,
sql functions,
javascript string,
vbscript string,
c++ string
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