in linea
1. A red wavy line under a word indicates that the word
2. The Assistant is
3. A word processor is
4. Word wrap is
5. To find and load a file that has been saved
6. Selecting the Zoom command
7. To end the current paragraph, space, and begin the new paragraph,
8. The arrow keys can be used to
9. Menus contain
10. Screen scroll is used to
11. To select a command from a menu, highlight the desired command and
12. The Standard Toolbar
13. If Word is not exited properly
14. To insert a word into the middle of a sentence
15. To print a document
16. If a previously saved file is edited
17. A document that has been saved is called a
18. To create a new document from the New Office Document dialog box
19. To keep a document from the computer's memory and place in a file
20. When a file is saved for the first time
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