1. What is Java (in regard to Computer Science) ? |
A type of coffee |
An object-oriented programming language |
An interactive website |
None of the above
2. What is an Applet ? |
Type of computer |
A Java program that is run through a web browser |
An interactive website |
A type of fruit
3. Java runs on _______. |
Windows |
Unix/Linux |
Mac |
All of the Above
4. Why can't the whole program just consist of the one line that does the painting ? |
In Java, to create an applet, you can't call on functions without defining a class to call them. |
To appear on the web, Java must use an applet, and without first defining a class, you won't be painting onto anything. |
The drawString function is not defined without the "import" statements at the top. |
All of the above.
5. What's the difference between an Applet and an application ? |
An application is only available on Windows |
Applets can paint words, applications cannot. |
Applets are run over the web. |
None of the above.
6. What is the main function of any variable ? |
To add numbers together |
To keep track of data in the memory of the computer |
To print words on the screen |
To write Java
7. What is the proper way to declare a variable ? |
variableName variableType; |
variableName; |
variableType; |
variableType variableName;
8. Booleans are _______. |
True or False |
Single characters |
Text |
All numbers
9. The following statements make “length” be what number ? int length; length = 4; length ++; |
4 |
5 |
6 |
10. What is an assignment statement ? |
Adding a number to an int |
Assigning a multiplication |
Assigning a name to a variable |
Assigning a value to a variable
11. What will be the value of “num” after the following statements? int num; num = (5+4); num = num / 9; num = 12;
0 |
1 |
12 |
12. If you want your conditional to depend on two conditions BOTH being true, what is the proper notation to put between the two Boolean statements ? |
& |
&& |
| |
13. Which of the following means that in order for the conditional to happen, either x must be less than 3 or y must be greater than or equal to 4 ? |
if ((x < 3) && (y > 4)) |
if (x < 3 y >= 4) |
if ((x < 3) || (y > = 4)) |
if ((x > 3) || (y < = 4))
14. What is a loop ? |
A new type of Applet |
A segment of code to be run a specified amount of times |
A segment of code to be run infinite times |
A segment of code to be run once
15. What is essential in making sure that your loop is not infinite ? |
That there is a Boolean statement somewhere in your code |
That your Boolean statement will at some point be false |
That your Boolean statement will at some point be true |
All of the above
16. Which is NOT a section of all types of loops ? |
Initialization |
Loop Body |
Test statement |
The word "while"
17. In a ‘for’ loop, what section of the loop is not included in the parentheses after “for” ? |
Initialization |
Loop Body |
Test statement |
18. What is a function in terms of Computer Science ? |
A group of code lines that performs a specific task |
A group of code lines that performs a whole program |
Something that contains an ‘init’ |
The purpose of Java
19. What is the difference between private and public functions ? |
Public functions are free, you have to buy private ones |
Public functions are the only ones you can download |
Public functions can be used by anyone, private can only be used by other code in the class you are writing |
Public functions can’t be used
20. What does AWT stands for ? |
Advanced Window Toolkit |
Abstract window Toolkit |
Adjust Window Toolkit |
None of these