How to do rebate processing
How to do rebate processing
Rebates Processs in SAP is divided into three components
1) Configuring Rebates
2) Setting Up Rebates
3) Managing rebate agreeeements and payments
Pre-requsiistes- Check the following:
1.The payer partner needs toi have the rebate field checked in the customer
master on the sales area-billing doc tab.
2.The Billing type must be marked as relevant for rebates.
3.The Sales Organisation must be marked as relevant for rebates.
Condition Technique :
Rebates, use the condition technique, but distinguish themselves from pricing in
applying to transactions over time, versus on a transaction basis. Rebates have
their wn field catalog and their own condition table naming convention.So you
could have two condition table "001" one for pricing and one for rebates, which
could have different key fields. You need to use the technical names A001 For
pricing and KOTe001 for rebates when you use the query type using transaction SE
Use create access sequence (AS). Enter 1 in field category for rebate
specific. AS after going thru the right path of maintaining access sequence for
The big difference between the rebate and the pricing access sequence is that
there is no exclsuion flag available for rebate related AS. This means multiple
tables for an access sequence can be aplied at the same time.
Rebate related condition types are identified by codnition class -C.
After defining and creating condition types for rebated include them in the
pricing proceedure. The requirement should be 24 here which implies that the
accruals are calculated on the basis of invoice/bill.
The other fields- alctyp and altcbv does not allow you to manipulate how a
rebate is calculated. Also, remove the requiremnt 24, if u want to see reabtes
at order time.
Now payment of rebates:
Payments can be maunal or in full settlement. When you do manual payments, it
defines how much can be paid out during a partial settlemetn. You use partial
settlement only when rebate agreement is defined for a full year but the
paoyouts are supposed to happen on a monthly, quarterly or anyother specified
These accurals are based on sales volume and when they are posted billing is
created int eh follwoing manner. Provision for accruals is debited and Sales
revenue is credited. When rebate credit memo is created
Customer account/ is debited and
Accrual provision account is credited.