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Web Building
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Web Standards

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Here you will find easy, painless techniques and ideas to improve your Web site quality and make your Web site valid. This document is intended for HTML users, developers working on Web applications, and Web masters.


Most of the Web sites on the Web are not valid. We may assume that this is the case for 99% of the Web pages, but there are no statistics to support this. It would be interesting to run a survey to prove that this case is indeed true. Why?

Usual comments:
I have heard many comments and rants on this topic. Most of them are often due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of what HTML validation is. The following are some examples: Steve, CEO, said: If my Web site is made with the standards, it will be unexciting and I will lose customers. With W3C standards, you'll be able to have very exciting Web sites. Creating a Web site which respects the standards has nothing to do with generating text-only Web pages. The W3C is currently proposing a set of very cool integrated technologies. You can experience a full multimedia Web site with existing W3C interoperable technologies using XHTML (Structured XML markup), CSS (Style sheets), SVG (2D vector animated graphics), and SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia). These technologies have been built on a consensus by the different players of the Web market

Alan, Technical Director, said: I don't have the finances to care about standards in my Web site. It will cost too much! Designing with standards will simplify Web site code maintenance because you will not have multiple versions for different browsers. Your pages will have a longer life and will not be dependant upon vaporous technologies. So designing with Web standards will cost you less in fact.

Dean, Artistic Director, said: if I respect the standards, it will infringe upon my creativity. Technical constraints exist with any artistic medium, whether you are drawing, sculpting, or designing Web pages. Watercolors or oil paintings have their own constraints, but these techniques do not to block creativity, rather they provide structure for creative expression. Creating with Web standards will open a new world with techniques particular to the media, the technology, and the audience. There is still a lot to explore in this domain. We are only beginning to explore the benefits of standards-based multimedia experiences.

The Web is a free place shared by many users whose needs you don't necessarily know. The standards have been designed to keep in mind all potential audiences. There's a challenge to the Web community to create with Web standards. You will not be attached to any company or proprietary technology. You can use technologies that are independent of platforms requirements.

Other Considerations

Since it is easier for the developers to understand each other's coding,they follow Web standards and it will help web development teamwork to be simplified.

To ensure that all browsers, old and new, will display your site properly, without frequent and time-consuming rewrites,at that time only Web standards will help you.Some developers think that standards are the same as restrictions, and that taking advantage of nice browser-specific features and it will add credit to their work.As the variety of access methods increases,the future adjustments to the Web pages will become more and more difficult .To solve this problem,the following standards is your first step:

Standardization always increase the access to your site.With a particular browser,does it make sense to limit your audience?

Standard Web documents are easier to index more accurately, and easier for search engines to access.

To convert to other formats,standard Web documents are necessary.

Standard Web documents are easier to access with program code (like DOM and the JavaScript).

Do you want to save yourself a lot of time?With a validation service,always make a habit of  validating your pages. Validation keeps your documents up to free of nasty errors and the standards.


An important part of the HTML standard is the accessibility.

The people with disabilities to use the Web is only possible by making the standards. . Simple Web standards like HTML 4 and CSS, will make your Web pages much easier to understand by special devices like other unusual output devices, or voice browsers.Blind people can use computers that can read Web pages for them. People with poor sight can magnify and rearrange standard Web pages

The World Wide Web Consortium

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), founded in the year of 1994, is an international consortium dedicated to "lead the Web to its full potential". 

When creating educational Web sites as developers, especially , we can help them turn this dream into reality.

In the next chapter,you can read more about W3C .


In order to meet the need for standardizing computer languages and input/output codes,the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) , based in Switzerland, was founded in 1961.

ECMA is not an official standardization institute rather an association of companies that collaborate with other official institutes like the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

The most important standard is ECMAScript,the standardization of JavaScript to the Web developers,.

To manipulate Web page objects specified by the W3C Document Object Model (DOM),ECMAScript is a standardized scripting language.DOM objects can then be added, deleted, or changed with the use of ECMAScript, . 

The ECMAScript standard is based on Microsoft's JScript and Netscape's JavaScript .

ECMA-262 is the latest ECMAScript specification:

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Keywords: web standards,w3c web standards,web standards design,css web standards,web page standards,web site standards,web service standards,web services standards,web standard,standard web fonts,standard web page size,web standards project,standard web banner

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