1. Flash is a tool for creating interactive and animated Web sites! |
Yes |
No |
Can't say |
Not always
2. Flash enables you to create interactive ________ on the Web. |
movies |
images |
pictures |
3. Flash uses vector graphics, which means that the graphics can be scaled to any size without losing clarity/quality. |
False |
Can't say |
True |
None of these
4. Flash is _______ to learn. |
hard |
you don’t have anything to learn |
easy |
None of these
5. Which of these are not the advantages of using Flash ? |
Flash loads much faster than animated images |
Flash does not require programming skills, java applets do |
Flash allows interactivity, animated images do not |
Flash is a free software
6. What is the file extension whichis supported by Flash ? |
Somefilename.flash |
Somefilename.fla |
Somefilename.fl |
7. Tweening comes from the words in ________ . |
between |
after |
above |
8. With Tweening you can go from one keyframe to another. |
Can't say |
True |
False |
None of these
9. With Motion Guide Tweening you can move an object from one location to another along a ____________ . |
specified computer |
specified file |
specified line |
specified path
10. With Tint Tweening you can change the color of an object. |
True |
False |
Not always |
Can't say
11. With Shape Tweening you can change one _______ into another. |
file |
object |
table |
12. Keyframes define changes in the____. |
action |
animation |
effects |
13. The timeline controls and organizes the movie's content over time using ____ and ______. |
layers and frames |
layers and effects |
effects and frame |
layers and action
14. You start creating your movie by setting the Frame Rate, Dimensions, Background Color, and ____. |
layers |
units |
animation |
Ruler Units
15. You can add layers, delete layers, and change the _____ of the layers. |
position |
animation |
Ruler Units |
16. Each layer of a Flash movie is divided into _____. |
Ruler Units |
animation |
frames |
17. Gradients show gradations of ____. |
Text |
Color |
font |
18. You use keyframes to specify changes in the______. |
position |
Text |
Color |
19. Generally you use ______, a scripting language, to control the action in a Flash document. |
Javascript |
ActionScript |
Vbscript |
20. In flash,buttons have four states: up, over, down, and ___. |
vertical |
horizontal |
hit |