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XML Tutorials
XML Tutorial
XSL Tutorial
XSLT Tutorial
DTD Tutorial
SOAP Tutorial
WSDL Tutorial
XSL-FO Tutorial
XML DOM Tutorial
XLink Tutorial
XQuery Tutorial
XPath Tutorial
XPointer Tutorial
Schema Tutorial
XForms Tutorial
RDF Tutorial
RSS Tutorial
WAP Tutorial
Web Services Tutorial

HTML Tutorials
HTML Tutorial
XHTML Tutorial
CSS Tutorial
TCP/IP Tutorial
CSS 1.0
CSS 2.0
XML Tutorials
XML Tutorial
XSL Tutorial
XSLT Tutorial
DTD Tutorial
Schema Tutorial
XForms Tutorial
XSL-FO Tutorial
XML DOM Tutorial
XLink Tutorial
XQuery Tutorial
XPath Tutorial
XPointer Tutorial
RDF Tutorial
SOAP Tutorial
WSDL Tutorial
RSS Tutorial
WAP Tutorial
Web Services Tutorial
Browser Scripting
JavaScript Tutorial
VBScript Tutorial
DHTML Tutorial
HTML DOM Tutorial
WMLScript Tutorial
E4X Tutorial
Server Scripting
ASP Tutorial
PERL Tutorial
SQL Tutorial
ADO Tutorial
Apple Script
PL/SQL Tutorial
SQL Server
.NET (dotnet)
.Net Mobile
C# : C Sharp
SVG Tutorial
Flash Tutorial
Media Tutorial
SMIL Tutorial
Photoshop Tutorial
Gimp Tutorial
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GIF Animation Tutorial
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XML Tutorials

 XML Tutorials

(EXtensible Markup Language) An open standard for describing data from the W3C. It is used for defining data elements on a Web page and business-to-business documents. XML uses a similar tag structure as HTML; however, whereas HTML defines how elements are displayed, XML defines what those elements contain. While HTML uses predefined tags, XML allows tags to be defined by the developer of the page. Thus, virtually any data items, such as "product," "sales rep" and "amount due," can be identified, allowing Web pages to function like database records.

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XML Tutorial
Extensible Markup Language. A flexible way to create common information formats and share both the format and the data on the World Wide Web, intranets, and elsewhere. XML is a formal recommendation from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) similar to the language of today's Web pages, the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
XSL Tutorial
XSL : EXtensible Stylesheet Language, a language for specifying style sheets for XML documents..

XSL Transformation (XSLT) is used with XSL to describe how an XML document is transformed into another document.

Similar to CSS, it defines the specification for an XML document's presentation and appearance. Both CSS and XSL provide a platform-independent method for specifying the document's presentation style.
XSLT Tutorial
XSLT : Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation.

It is a language for transforming XML documents into other XML documents.

XSLT is designed for use as part of XSL, which is a stylesheet language for XML.
DTD Tutorial
DTD : Document Type Definition.

It is a document that describes the structure of a Web page written in XML.

The description of the structure and the rules a document must satisfy for an SGML or XML document type. The DTD comprises the formal declaration of the elements that make up a document, their mutual coherence, meaning and documentation as drawn up for a document type (or document or information model).

You can store a DTD at the beginning of a document or externally in a separate file.
Schema Tutorial
Schema is a description of the structure and rules a document must satisfy for an XML document type.

XML Schema is XML-based alternative to DTD.
XForms Tutorial
XForms is an XML format for the specification of user interfaces.

XForms Give<ul><li>Strong typing for easier input validation</li><li>XML format for input data</li><li>Much more internationalizable and localizable</li><li>Scriptless actions</li><li>More device independent</li></ul>
XSL-FO Tutorial
XSL-FO : XSL Formatting Objects

It is an XML markup language for document formatting.

XSL-FO is part of XSL
XML DOM Tutorial
DOM (Document Object Model) represents documents as a hierarchy of Node objects.

Some of these Node objects may have child nodes of various types, while others are 'leaf' nodes which can have nothing below them.
XLink Tutorial
XLink : XML Linking Language

It allows elements to be inserted into XML documents in order to create and describe links between resources.

eXtended Links is a W3C Recommendation
( )
XQuery Tutorial
XQuery is the query language for XML.

It provides a mechanism to extract and manipulate data from XML documents or any data source that can be viewed as XML such as relational databases or office documents.

Just as SQL is a query language that queries relational tables to create new relational tables, XQuery queries XML documents to create new XML documents.

XQuery uses XPath syntax to address specific parts of an XML document.
XPath Tutorial
XPath : XML Path Language

XPath is a language for addressing parts of an XML document, designed to be used by both XSLT and Xpointer.

It also provides basic facilities for manipulation of strings, numbers and booleans.
XPointer Tutorial
Xpointer - XML Pointer Language, is the language to be used as the basis for a fragment identifier for any URI reference that locates a resource of Internet media type <i>text/xml</i> or <i>application/xml</i>.

It has a string-based syntax.

XPointer consists of a description that comes after the # symbol in a URL.
RDF Tutorial
RDF : Resource Description Framework.

RDF is a general framework for how to describe any Internet resource such as a Web site and its content.

It is a general framework for describing a Web site's metadata, or the information about the information on the site. It provides interoperability between applications that exchange machine-understandable information on the Web.
SOAP Tutorial
SOAP : Simple Object Access Protocol .

SOAP is a lightweight XML based protocol . It is a standard for exchanging XML-based messages over a computer network, normally using HTTP.

SOAP consists of three parts: an envelope that defines a framework for describing what is in a message and how to process it, a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of application-defined datatypes, and a convention for representing remote procedure calls and responses.
WSDL Tutorial
WSDL : Web Services Description Language .

It is an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information.

WSDL was developed jointly by Microsoft and IBM.
RSS Tutorial
RSS : Really Simple Syndication


Rich Site Summary

It allows you to organize or syndicate your site content .

RSS files can be automatically updated.

It is written in XML-based formate.
WAP Tutorial
WAP : Wireless Application Protocol

It is a secure specification that allows users to access information instantly via handheld wireless devices such as mobile phones, pagers, two-way radios, smartphones and communicators.

WAP was conceived by four companies: Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia, and Unwired Planet (today called
Web Services Tutorial
Web Services define a platform-independent standard based on XML to communicate within distributed systems.

XML is used to tag the data.

SOAP is used to transfer the data.

WSDL is used for describing the services available.

UDDI is used for listing what services are available.

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HTML Quizzes
CSS Quiz
CSS 1.0 Quiz
CSS 2.0 Quiz
XML Quizzes
XML Quiz
XSL Quiz
DTD Quiz
Schema Quiz
XForms Quiz
XLink Quiz
XQuery Quiz
XPath Quiz
XPointer Quiz
RDF Quiz
RSS Quiz
WAP Quiz
Web Services Quiz
Browser Scripting Quizzes
JavaScript Quiz
VBScript Quiz
WMLScript Quiz
E4X Quiz
Server Scripting Quizzes
ASP Quiz
SQL Quiz
ADO Quiz
CVS Quiz
Python Quiz
Apple Script Quiz
SQL Server Quiz
PHP Quiz
.NET (dotnet) Quizzes
Microsoft.Net Quiz
ASP.Net Quiz
.Net Mobile Quiz
C# : C Sharp Quiz
VC++ Quiz
Multimedia Quizzes
SVG Quiz
Flash Quiz
Media Quiz
Photoshop Quiz
Gimp Quiz
Matlab Quiz
Gnuplot Programming Quiz
GIF Animation Quiz
Scientific Visualization Quiz
Graphics Quiz
Web Building Quizzes
Web Browsers Quiz
Web Hosting Quiz
W3C Quiz
Web Building Quiz
Web Quality Quiz
Web Semantic Quiz
Web Careers Quiz
Weblogic Quiz
SEO Quiz
Web Site Hosting Quiz
Domain Name Quiz
Java Quizzes
Java Quiz
JSP Quiz
Servlets Quiz
Struts Quiz
EJB Quiz
JMS Quiz
JMX Quiz
Eclipse Quiz
J2ME Quiz
Programming Langauges Quizzes
C Quiz
C++ Quiz
Visual Basic Quiz
Data Structures Using C Quiz
Cobol Quiz
Assembly Language Quiz
Mainframe Quiz
Forth Programming Quiz
Lisp Programming Quiz
Pascal Quiz
Delphi Quiz
Fortran Quiz
OOPs Quiz
Data Warehousing Quiz
CGI Programming Quiz
Emacs Quiz
Gnome Quiz
ILU Quiz
Soft Skills Quizzes
Communication Skills Quiz
Time Management Quiz
Project Management Quiz
Team Work Quiz
Leadership Skills Quiz
Corporate Communication Quiz
Negotiation Skills Quiz
Database Quizzes
Oracle Quiz
MySQL Quiz
Operating System Quizzes
BSD Quiz
Symbian Quiz
Unix Quiz
Internet Quiz
IP-Masquerading Quiz
IPC Quiz
Software Testing Quizzes
Testing Quiz
Firewalls Quiz
SAP Module Quizzes
ERP Quiz
Business Warehousing Quiz
SAP Basis Quiz
Material Management Quiz
Sales & Distribution Quiz
Human Resource Quiz
Netweaver Quiz
Customer Relationship Management Quiz
Production and Planning Quiz
Networking Programming Quizzes
Corba Quiz
Networking Quiz
Microsoft Office Quizzes
Microsoft Word Quiz
Microsoft Outlook Quiz
Microsoft PowerPoint Quiz
Microsoft Publisher Quiz
Microsoft Excel Quiz
Microsoft Front Page Quiz
Microsoft InfoPath Quiz
Microsoft Access Quiz
Accounting Quizzes
Financial Accounting Quiz
Managerial Accounting Quiz
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