Excel CHOOSE Function
The Excel Choose function allows you to select a value from a list of up
to 29 items.
It uses index_num to return a value from the list of value arguments.
For example, if value1 through value7 are the days of the week, CHOOSE()
returns one of the days when a number between 1 and 7 is used as index_num.
Here is the Excel CHOOSE( ) Syntax:
CHOOSE(Index_num, Value1, Value2, Value3, �)
This specifies which of the set of values is returned by this function. It must
be a number between 1 and 29, or a formula or reference to a cell containing a
number between 1 and 29.
If index_num is 1, CHOOSE returns value1; if it is 2, CHOOSE returns value2;
and so on.
If index_num is less than 1 or greater than the number of the last value in
the list, CHOOSE returns the #VALUE! error value.
If index_num is a fraction, it is truncated to the lowest integer before
being used.Value1, Value2, Value3�
A set of values from which the result is returned.
To use the Excel CHOOSE function (an example)
Click on the cell where the function is to go.
From the Insert menu, click on Function�to display the
Insert Function dialog box.

From the Insert Function dialog box displayed, under the Or select
a category: box, select the Lookup & Reference.
In the Select a function: section, select the CHOOSE and click
OK to display the CHOOSE dialog box.
Enter either a cell reference or value into the Index_num text entry
box. In our case, enter the word 3.
Press the Tab key and enter the first value to be chosen from into
the Value1 text entry box. Enter the word Monday.
Press the Tab key again and enter the second value to be chosen from
into the Value2 text entry box. Enter the word Tuesday.
Repeat the above step until finish i.e. from Monday to Sunday.
Click OK when complete. You will see the result display Wednesday.
Note: If we enter the 5 in the Index_num text entry box, then it
will return the Friday.