1. If you know want to migrate your Visual Basic 6 application to VB.NET, what is the first thing you should do ? |
Schedule meetings with end users to see what features they want to add to the app. |
Open the Visual Basic Upgrade Wizard, get a cup of coffee and watch it run. |
Assess the VB 6 application; find out what controls it uses, what projects are in there and so on. |
Cancel all social plans for the next couple months and start rewriting the app in .NET.
2. Some bits of a Visual Basic 6 application, like most APIs, can be easily migrated to VB.NET; other parts are not so straightforward. Which of the following will NOT have to be re-architected during a VB 6-to-VB.NET migration ? |
DHTML pages |
ADO to ADO via Interop |
ActiveX documents |
OLE controls
3. The Visual Basic Upgrade Wizard will convert all the code in your VB 6 application to VB.NET code for you. |
False |
True |
Not always |
Can't say
4. This programming language model is used sparingly in VB 6 but is one of the cornerstones of VB.NET. Knowing the ins and outs of it will make an application migration project easier and also prepare you for additional work in VB.NET. What is the model ? |
Modular programming |
Aspect-oriented programming |
Reflective programming |
Object-oriented programming
5. What two controls are needed when creating a toolbar ? |
Only Toolbar control |
ImageList and Toolbar control |
Both 1 and 2 |
All the above
6. Can a toolbar display text instead of pictures in the buttons ? |
No, a toolbar can only display images |
No, a toolbar can only display text |
Yes, a toolbar can display text, images, or both. |
None of these
7. The vbc.exe compiler generates: |
IL Code |
Native code |
Byte Code |
None of these
8. which program will you use to assemble a program written in IL: |
ildasm |
clr |
ilasm |
All the above
9. A ‘for’ loop will run faster in VB.NET or C# ? |
C# |
Both of them will run equally fast. |
None of these
10. What’s the difference between a class field property ? |
A field always has Get and Set Methods |
A property always has Get and Set Methods |
Both 1 and 2 |
None of the above
11. Classes from which namespace will have to be used to read or write to a file ? |
System.FileObjects |
System.FileSystem |
System.IO |
12. The metadata stored in the assembly is called : |
AssemblyInfo |
manifest |
AssemblyData |
None of these
13. My.Application.Log.WriteEntry , by default , writes to the file: |
Applog.Log |
Application.Log |
assemblyname.log |
None of these
14. To determine the folder in which your application is placed you can use: |
My.Computer.CurrentFolder |
My.Application.CurrentFolder |
My.System.CurrentFolder |
All the above
15. Select the keyword used to refer the name space in our code in VB.Net |
Using |
Package |
Imports |
None of the above
16. How does VB.NET instantiates the .NET object |
Using NEW keyword |
Using CREATEOBJECT keyword |
Using GETOBJECT keyword |
Both A & B
17. How do you Dereference an Object in VB.NET ? |
By setting the object to Null |
With Close keyword |
By setting the object to Nothing |
None of the above
18. How do you Create Constructors in VB.NET ? |
Create a method and name it with the same name as class name |
Create a method and which is named as New |
Create a method and which is named as Initialize |
None of the above
19. How do you enable Strict Type Checking in VB.NET |
With OPTION STRICT ON keyword |
With OPTION STRICT OFF keyword |
All the above
20. Can you create Windows Services using VB.Net |
Yes |
No |
Not always |
None of these