What are Session Beans?
Session beans are used to execute business tasks for a client on the server.
A session bean typically implements a certain kind of activity, such as ordering
products or signing up for courses, and in executing the business rules
typically invokes entity beans. For instance, ordering products is likely to
involve stored information about products, customers, and credit cards, while
signing up for courses is likely going to require invoking entity beans
representing students and courses.
Stateful and Stateless
There are two types of session beans, stateful and stateless. A stateful
session bean maintains conversational state. In other words, a stateful session
bean remembers the calling client application from one method to the next. For a
stateful session bean, the results produced by one method might be co-dependent
on the results of its prior methods invoked by the same client. A stateful
session bean maintains this conversation with the client until the conversation
times out or the client explicitly ends the conversation by invoking the bean's
remove method.
In contrast, a stateless session bean does not maintain any conversational
state, that is, it does not remember which client invoked one of its methods,
and does not maintain an internal state between methods. Each session bean
method is independent, and the only client input is the data passed in its
Stateful session beans are tied to a particular client for the duration of
the conversation, while stateless session beans are only tied to a particular
client for the duration of a method execution. After method execution completes,
a stateless session bean is ready to serve another client application.
Consequently, a small number of stateless session beans can be used to serve a
large number of client applications. Stateless session beans tend to be more
commonly preferred over stateful session beans for this reason. When the client
application is a page flow or a conversational web service, conversational state
is remembered by the client application itself, making it possible to use a
stateless session bean while maintaining a continuous session with the user of
the client application. When you develop a new session bean in WebLogic, by
default a stateless session bean is defined.
Home and Business Interfaces
Like an entity bean, a session bean can have four different interfaces,
called the local home interface, the local business interface (or simply, the
local interface), the remote home interface, and the remote business interface
(or simply, the remote interface). The local interfaces define the bean's
methods that can be used by other EJBs, EJB controls, web services and page
flows defined within the same application. That is, if you define a session bean
and only plan to use it within that application, you can use local interfaces.
In contrast, the remote interfaces define the bean's methods that be invoked by
EJBs, EJB controls, web services and page flows defined in other applications.
To determine what interfaces are defined for a session bean, ensure you are
in Design View and go to the Naming section in the
Property Editor. The Remote EJB and Local EJB
sections refer to the remote and local interfaces; within each section the
Home class name refers to the home interface, and the Bean class name
refers to the business interface. In Source View, the attributes are part of the
@ejbgen:file-generation Annotation. When you define a new session bean, by
default only the remote interfaces are defined.
A session bean's (remote or local) home interface contains the
create methods used to obtain a reference to the
bean instance. Its (remote or local) business interface contains the component
methods that are used to encapsulate a particular piece of business logic.
The Create Methods
For a stateless session bean, you must define exactly one
ejbCreate() method with no parameters. This
method must be invoked to obtain to a reference to a session bean instance. Once
you have obtained a reference, you can invoke the session bean's component
methods. If you call a stateless session bean via an
EJB control, you do not need to call the create
method explicitly; the EJB control will create a reference for you when you call
a component method.
A stateful session bean must have at least one
ejbCreate method and, like entity beans, can have multiple
ejbCreate methods. One of these methods must be
invoked to obtain a reference to the session bean instance before you can invoke
the session bean's component methods. If you call a stateful session bean via an
EJB control, you must first call (one of) its
create methods to obtain a reference.
Unlike with stateless session beans, when you can call a stateful session
bean's create method to obtain a reference and
subsequently invoke several component methods, each method is guaranteed to be
handled by the same bean instance on the server. For more information, see
The Life Cycle of a Session
Component Methods
Component methods are the business methods that are invoked on a session bean
instance. A simple example of a business method is
reserveTickets(customer, movieName, date), which is used to reserve
tickets for a movie. For more information, see
Do I: Add a Component Method to an Entity or Session Bean?
In principle there is no difference between component methods for a stateful
and a stateless session bean. However, the component methods of a stateless
session bean must be passed all the necessary data to execute business logic as
parameters, while this is not necessary for the component methods of a stateful
session bean. For instance, for a stateful session bean the component method
reserveTickets() can be used to make ticket
reservations for a movie, after the component method
setCustomer(customer) is called to set the customer data,
setMovie(name) is called to make the movie
selection, and setDate(date) is called to set
the movie time. For a stateless session bean, these parameters must be passed to
the component method making the actual reservations, as in
reserveTickets(customer, movieName, date).
Other Methods
A session bean has several predefined methods, as well as a number of
callback methods, invoked by the EJB container during certain operations, that a
session bean must implement. In WebLogic these callback methods are by default
automatically implemented. In many cases you will find it unnecessary to use
these methods. To learn more about these methods, see
Defining a Session Bean and
The Life Cycle of a Session Bean.
Creating a Session Bean
To create a session bean, you can choose one of the following methods:
Create a session bean from scratch. If you are
designing a new session bean in EJB project, you can define a new
session bean. To find out exactly how to do this, see
How Do I: Create an Enterprise JavaBean? When you create a new
session bean, by default the remote interfaces and various other
defaults are defined. For more details, see
@ejbgen:file-generation Annotation.
Import a session bean. If you have developed session
beans in another development environment, you can import these into
WebLogic. To import an EJB, you need the EJB Jar file as well as the
source files. You can import multiple EJBs at the same time. For more
information, see
Do I: Import an Enterprise JavaBean? After you have imported a
session bean, you can enhance its definition.
Note. If you have existing
session beans that you plan to invoke in the application, for
instance via another EJB or an EJB control, but you do not
intend to change their definitions, you can suffice by adding
the EJB Jar to the application. For more information, see
How Do I: Add an Existing Enterprise JavaBean to an Application?
Defining a Basic Session Bean
The following figure shows the design view of a basic session bean called

This stateless session bean's component method receives the name of a
product and returns the price when known, or a 'product unknown' message if
the product cannot be found. It uses the ProductBean, shown in
Defining an Entity Bean, to look up a product in the database and return
its price. The source code of the PriceChecker bean is given below:
package myBeans;
import javax.ejb.*;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import weblogic.ejb.*;
* @ejbgen:session
* ejb-name = "PriceChecker"
* @ejbgen:jndi-name local="ejb.PriceCheckerLocalHome"
* @ejbgen:file-generation remote-class="false" remote-home="false" local-class="true"
* local-class-name = "PriceCheckerLocal" local-home="true" local-home-name = "PriceCheckerLocalHome"
* @ejbgen:ejb-local-ref link="Product"
public class PriceCheckerBean extends GenericSessionBean implements SessionBean
private ProductHome productHome;
public void ejbCreate() {
try {
javax.naming.Context ic = new InitialContext();
productHome = (ProductHome)ic.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/Product");
catch (NamingException ne) {
throw new EJBException(ne);
* @ejbgen:local-method
public String returnPrice(String product)
Product theProduct;
int visitNumber;
try {
theProduct = productHome.findByPrimaryKey(product);
catch(FinderException fe) {
return "Product not known";
return "The price of this product is " + theProduct.getPrice();
@ejbgen:session annotation contains the actual name of the session bean.
For stateful session beans this tag will contain the attribute
type="Stateful". In the
ejbCreate method a reference to the Product
entity bean's local home interface is obtained. The JNDI reference
Product used in the lookup method to
look up the Product bean, is mapped to this bean's local interface using an
@ejbgen:ejb-local-ref Annotation, which is defined at the top of the
PriceChecker bean class definition. To learn more about JNDI naming, consult
your favorite J2EE documentation or go to
The method returnPrice implements the
business logic for this class. It finds a particular product using the
Product bean and returns its price. If the product cannot be found in the
database, it returns a Product not known message instead.
In WebLogic, all the information needed to make a session bean are stored
in a single file, instead of separate JAVA
files for the bean class, the local business interface, the local home
interface, and so forth. When you build a session bean, these classes are
auto-generated. Various ejbgen annotations
are used to hold the information required to make this generation possible.
Specifically, the
@ejbgen:file-generation annotation specifies the names of the local home
and business interface for the PriceChecker bean, and the
@ejbgen:local-method annotation on the component method specifies that
the method should be defined in the local business interface. To verify that
these JAVA and corresponding
CLASS files are generated, expand the
JAR file created during a build (located in
the Modules folder in the Application
pane), and locate and open the generated files in the folder reflecting the
package name. For the PriceCheckerBean, the
PriceCheckerBean.java (bean definition),
PriceCheckerLocal.java (local interface definition), and
PriceCheckerLocalHome.java (local home
interface definition) files are auto-generated.
Predefined and Callback Methods
The interfaces of session (and entity) beans extend a particular
interface which contains various useful methods. Specifically:
The local interface extends
- The local home interface extends
- The remote interface extends
- The remote home interface extends
For example, the interfaces contain a remove
method to remove a bean instance and, for a stateful session bean, end the
conversation. Complete details about these interfaces and the methods they
define can be found in your favorite J2EE documentation and the API
reference at
Every session bean must implement the
javax.ejb.SessionBean interface. This interface defines callback
methods that are called by the EJB container at specific times. The callback
methods are setSessionContext,
ejbPassivate, and ejbRemove. When you
define a session bean from scratch, it will extend
weblogic.ejb.GenericSessionBean, which contains empty implementations
of these callback methods. In other words, you will only need to define
these methods if you need to override the empty implementation. If you
import a session bean, these callback methods will probably be implemented
directly in the bean's ejb file. For more
details about the callback methods and their role in the interaction between
the session bean and the EJB container, see
The Life Cycle of a Session
The Life Cycle of a Stateless Session Bean
The following figure shows the life cycle of a stateless session bean. A
stateless session bean has two states:
Does Not Exist. In this state, the bean instance simply
does not exist.
- Ready. When WebLogic server is first started, several
bean instances are created and placed in the Ready pool. More instances
might be created by the container as needed by the EJB container.
The various state transitions as well as the methods available during the
various states are discussed below.

Moving from the Does Not Exist to the Ready State
When the EJB container creates a stateless session bean instance to be placed
in the ready pool, it calls the callback method public
void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx). This method has the parameter
javax.ejb.SessionContext, which contains a
reference to the session context, that is, the interface to the EJB container,
and can be used to self-reference the session bean object. Complete details
about the javax.ejb.SessionContext can be found
in your favorite J2EE documentation and the API reference at
After the callback method setSessionContext
is called, the EJB container calls the callback method
ejbCreate. You can implement this callback method to for instance obtain
the home interfaces of other EJBs invoked by the session bean, as shown in
Defining a Session
Bean. The ejbCreate method is only called
once during the lifetime of a session bean, and is not tied to the calling of
the create method by a client application. For a
stateless session bean, calling the create
method returns a reference to a bean instance already in the ready pool; it does
not create a new bean instance. The management of stateless session bean
instances is fully done by the EJB container.
The Ready State
When a bean instance is in the ready state, it can service client request,
that is, execute component methods. When a client invokes a business method, the
EJB container assign an available bean instance to execute the business method.
Once executed, the session bean instance is ready to execute another business
Moving from the Ready to the Does Not Exist State
When the EJB container decides to reduce the number of session bean instances
in the ready pool, it makes the bean instance ready for garbage collection. Just
prior to doing this, it calls the callback method
ejbRemove. If your session bean needs to execute some cleanup action
prior to garbage collection, you can implement it using this callback method.
The callback method is not tied to the remove
method invoked by a client. For a stateless session bean, calling the
remove method invalidates the reference to the
bean instance already in the ready pool, but it does not move a bean instance
from the ready to the does not exist state, as the management of stateless
session bean instances is fully done by the EJB container.
The Life Cycle of a Stateful Session Bean
The following figure shows the life cycle of a stateful session bean. It has
the following states:
Does Not Exist. In this state, the bean instance simply
does not exist.
- Ready. A bean instance in the ready state is tied to
particular client and engaged in a conversation.
- Passive. A bean instance in the passive state is
passivated to conserve resource.
The various state transitions as well as the methods available during the
various states are discussed below.

Moving from the Does Not Exist to the Ready State
When a client invokes a create method on a
stateful session bean, the EJB container creates a new instance and invokes the
callback method public void
setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx). This method has the parameter
javax.ejb.SessionContext, which contains a
reference to the session context, that is, the interface to the EJB container,
and can be used to self-reference the session bean object. Complete details
about the javax.ejb.SessionContext can be found
in your favorite J2EE documentation and the API reference at
http://java.sun.com. After the
callback method setSessionContext is called, the
EJB container calls the callback method ejbCreate
that matches the signature of the create method.
The Ready State
A stateful bean instance in the ready state is tied to a particular client
for the duration of their conversation. During this conversation the instance
can the execute component methods invoked by the client.
Activation and Passivation
To more optimally manage resources, the EJB container might passivate an
inactive stateful session bean instance by moving it from the ready state to the
passive state. When a session bean instance is passivated, its (non-transient)
data is serialized and written to disk, after which the the bean instance is
purged from memory. Just prior to serialization, the callback method
ejbPassivate is invoked. If your session bean
needs to execute some custom logic prior to passivation, you can implement it
using this callback method.
If after passivation a client application continues the conversation by
invoking a business method, the passivated bean instance is reactivated; its
data stored on disk is used to restore the bean instance state. Right after the
state has been restored, the callback method
ejbActivate is invoked. If your session bean needs to execute some custom
logic after activation, you can implement it using this callback method.The
caller (a client application or another EJB) of the session bean instance will
be unaware of passivation (and reactivation) having taken place.
If a stateful session bean is set up to use the NRU
(not recently used) cache-type algorithm, the session bean can time out while in
passivated state. When this happens, it moves to the does not exist state, that
is, it is removed. Prior to removal the EJB container will call the callback
method ejbRemove. If a stateful session bean is
set up to use the LRU (least recently used)
algorithm, it cannot time out while in passivated state. Instead this session
bean is always moved from the ready state to the passivated state when it times
The exact timeout can be set using the
idle-timeout-seconds attribute on the
@ejbgen:session annotation. The cache-type algorithm can be set using the
cache-type attribute on the same annotation.
Moving from the Ready to the Does Not Exist State
When a client application invokes a remove
method on the stateful session bean, it terminates the conversation and tells
the EJB container to remove the instance. Just prior to deleting the instance,
the EJB container will call the callback method
ejbRemove. If your session bean needs to execute some custom logic prior
to deletion, you can implement it using this callback method.
An inactive stateful session bean that is set up to use the
NRU (not recently used) cache-type algorithm can
time out, which moves it to the does not exist state, that is, it is removed.
Prior to removal the EJB container will call the callback method
ejbRemove. If a stateful session bean set up to
use the LRU (least recently used) algorithm
times out, it always moves to the passivated state, and is not removed.
The exact timeout can be set using the
idle-timeout-seconds attribute on the
@ejbgen:session annotation. The cache-type algorithm can be set using the
cache-type attribute on the same annotation.